Annual General Meeting

09 Dec 2018

Friday night's Annual General Meeting saw a change to the line up of committee members. Retiring were Steve Bone, Andy Francis, Kayleigh Francis and James Taylor. Debbie Saunders was elected to become Secretary, Martin Kingdon took on the role of Membership Secretary and the Bar will be run jointly by Lee Chipchase and Pete Worthington. It was also agreed that the Press Officer role would be retired and that the new committee will create a criteria for a Media Officer. The retiring members were thanked for all there efforts over recent years.

A review of the season was done by Steve Bone (General Items) Nick Allen (Cricket all senior teams) , Lou Handy ( Ladies) and Brian Rayner ( Youth Academy).

In the absence of the Treasurer the Chairman led a discussion on the accounts and said answers would be sought to the one or two questions that were posed. The accounts were then  approved.

Under Any other business members were reminded to make full use of the clubs Easy Fundraising online account to raise funds during their Christmas purchases.

It was noticed that James Taylor was absent having got engaged on Friday. The club sends their congratulations and wish the couple a happy future together.

Finally once again the Cricket Club has combined with the Cycling Club and have decorated a Christmas tree in the St Marys Church Christmas Tree Festival. The church is open most days and the display of trees are worth a visit.