The first deadlines are approaching with regard to the MCC Tour to Eastbourne. By the 1 August we need to meet two deadlines:
- The hotel needs a list of those that are definitely attending and therefore needing accommodation.
- Chris needs confirmation of shirt requirements
With regard to the hotel booking, since it is the height of the season they obviously need to release any excess rooms that we have provisionally booked and are not required. If you have not confirmed there is nothing stopping you confirming nearer the time but the rooms are available then on a first come first served basis but we get the same negotiated rate. Those that we believe to be definites are as follows:
Allen family
Reeve family
Hunt family
Chipchase family
Heywood family
Saunders family
Thurston family
Handy family
Jack Beaumont (plus Mr & Mrs B for first night)
Adi & Lucy
Fliss Cleverley
Kayleigh Francis
Jordi Francis
Lanks & Lanks Jnr
Ben Shepperson
Ian Handy
If you should not be on that list please let Lou know asap
Others who we are waiting confirmation from are:
Reynolds family
If I have missed anyone and you should be on the list then my apologies and let Lou know asap.
From the shirt perspective please contact Chris with your requirements if you have not done so already. Those that have ordered shirts are:
Allen family
Reeve family
Hunt family
Saunders family
Thurston family
Handy family
Jack Beaumont
Adi & Lucy
Fliss Cleverley
Lanks & Lanks Jnr
Ben Shepperson
Since the deadlines are approaching feel free to contact any member of the Tour Committee - Lee, Mark, Chris or Lou - about any aspect of the Tour; it is still not too late to get involved!