Ladies T20 at MCC

01 Aug 2012

MCC successfully hosted the women's T20 between Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire and Hampshire on Monday and Tuesday.

Unfortunately the weather only allowed for one fixture to be played on the main pitch but the MCC team on both days worked like trojan's to enable 5 games to be played on the second square, so at least 6 of the originally planned 8 games were completed.  This was due to the phenomenal amount of work put in by H Carter, ably assisted by his team of helpers over the two days - Reuben, Joe, Jack, Jon, Matt and Eden - without whom we would not have been able to get the games on.  Also a big thanks to Jenny Cross who supplied the biggest bag of sawdust you are likely to come across and we needed to use all of it to get the pitch dried out.  Many of the players and officials gave praise and commented on the amount of effort that had been put in to make the pitch playable both days.

The tournament was won by Essex.  Suffolk were represented by Kat Carter and since Fliss Cleverly was injured on Sunday, Angie Joiner-Handy stepped in and played 2 of the 3 games, the first Handy to ever play "senior" County cricket!

Thanks to everyone who helped out on the pitch or in the pavilion during the two days.
