Hi ##firstname##
A good turnout for S&C today, we had 13. We had from U13 to over 50, ladies and men and I think representatives from most teams of last year. So a broad spectrum, which is what we want.
We have also had some good MCC representation at ABC Boot Camps and if they are good enough for Wortho then they are good enough for all of us!
The Cricket & Coaching Committee met this week and without wanting to steal their thunder, there will be news of many off-season/pre-season activities coming to you over the next few months so keep an eye out for that also.
The New Year is here, let's turn over a new leaf as a "club" and embrace training and coaching with a passion to improve individually and collectively!
Look forward to see more of you at S&C or ABC in the near future.
now more pictures on our website gallery
Attachments : S&C 2.jpg, S&C.jpg