Senior Cricket opportunities

05 Feb 2016


Sent on behalf of Ray Black:


Dear Club Secretary,

 My name is Ray Black and I am skipper of the Suffolk County Over 60s 2nd X1.

 I am trying to find ways of encouraging more players to play Senior County Cricket for the Over 50, 60 and 70 teams which we run at present. We need more players, particularly at 60s and 70s age groups.

We run two Over 50 teams, two Over 60 teams and one Over 70 team.

Iwould be very grateful if your club would promote these Senior county teams and encourage present players, players who perhaps have been side lined for youngsters, but would still like to play cricket, or those who have retired to brush the dust off their pads and come and play some very enjoyable cricket.

 Matches are 45 over games and played at very good cricket clubs with excellent facilities.

 To encourage players we are holding winter indoor nets on the following dates:


Sunday April 3rd               10.00am – 12noon        Ipswich School

Sunday April 10th            10.00am – 12noon         Bury St. Edmunds CC

 Sunday April 17th           10.00am – 12noon         Ipswich School

 Sunday April 24th            10.00am – 12noon         Bury St. Edmunds CC

 If anyone would like more details please contact the relevant managers/captains mentioned below.

 Rick Jones        Over 50s            Home   01473424354                  Mobile 07807760479

 Ray Black          Over 60s           Home   01206 265906                 Mobile 07960 906859

 Chris Watson    Over 70s             Mobile 07545 123 699 

Yours sincerely