MCC Ladies, Ever Fancied A Game?

20 Sep 2012

All (well Ladies & Girls)

Ever wondered what it would be like playing cricket but never quite stepped forward?

Well, here are two opportunities - one immediate and one over the winter.  During the winter there will be general coaching sessions with Brian Rayner and also batting nets with JT, Lee and Lou.  So if you want to get involved then let me know (07866 419186 or

If you really fancy a game before the end of the season then the MCC Ladies are one short this Sunday 23rd for our final game of the season at Easton.  No matter how old or young, fit or unfit, all you need is some enthusiasm (or curiosity)!  If you fancy a game then contact me ASAP so I can finalise the team.

As my mother always used to say, dont knock something until you've tried it (she was generally referring to food but I believe it can be expanded to all walks of life!).
